Alternatives, is taking the lease from the Council for the large piece of land at Knowetop, Castlehill. 

The image shows an aerial view of the Knowetop site, showing the long West-East orientation of the site, surrounded to the north and west by intensive agriculture and to the south and east by housing. This aerial view shows much evidence of the site’s former use, however, apart from some hedgerow and willow coppice stools in the northeast area, there is little visual evidence of this use at ground level when walking around the site.

The site is extremely variable in elevation, with rolling topography. The western third is extremely steep, running away to the west, whereas the eastern third slopes gently away to the northeast.

The middle third gives fabulous views down the Clyde in both directions, especially to the west and also long views to the north, including the tops of the mountains of Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park.

We have some great ideas for the site, including orchard, mindfulness garden, allotments, improvement of wildlife habitats and a horticulture operation growing organic vegetables.

We are also considering a small mountain bike circuit.

We want to help the site to recover, so it is as nice a place for people and for wildlife as we can make it. Our wee bit of the planet, doing our bit.

We want the community involved as much as possible and want you to use the space for your own enjoyment.

We should love to hear your ideas, to put into the mix.

Please join us by Zoom for a chat, at either 3.00 p.m. or 7.00 p.m. on Thursday 17th September, using the meeting i.d. of 627 518 8009.

The meetings will be chaired by Councillor David McBride. We look forward to seeing you on the screen.